Τρίτη, Μαΐου 04, 2010

Aυστριακη πατατα

I read that you have made a statement that you are tired of Greek people demonstrating against the new economic meassures that Greek government announced on Sunday.

Dear Sir
Do you expect us to lay down and die out of hunger instead?
We did not spend that money our country owes to everyone.
It is our politicians who did it,they are all corrupted and ignorant.

It would be more helpful to raise your voice to the European union and ask them that everybody who stole money to be held in the court of justice.

Only then we will accept to suffer and loose all our rights.

Until then Eu for us is an also corrupted union supporting our local criminals.

Thank you

Προς τον υπουργο οικονομικων της Αυστριας.
Στειλτε και εσεις ενα μεηλ μπορειτε ....


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