Παρασκευή, Μαΐου 21, 2010

Προετοιμασια για ελεγχομενη χρεωκοπια

For Angela Merkel, leader of the eurozone’s richest country, a queue is forming of high-quality adversaries. As she tips German Geld und Gut into the furnace of a rescue package for the euro, while going it alone in a misguided ban on market “manipulators”, the brass-neck Chancellor has infuriated domestic voters, angered her EU partners (in particular the French) and invited the so-called wolf pack of global traders to do its worst.

In one respect, Mrs Merkel is right: “The euro is in danger… if the euro fails, then Europe fails.” What she has not yet admitted publicly is that the main cause of the single currency’s peril appears beyond her control and therefore her impetuous response to its crisis of confidence is doomed to fail.

The euro has many flaws, but its weakest link is Greece, whose fundamental problem is that for years it spent too much, earned too little and plugged the gap by borrowing in order to enjoy a rich man’s lifestyle. It flouted EU rules on the limits to budget deficits; its national accounts were a moussaka of minced statistics, topped with a cheesy sauce of jiggery-pokery.

By any legitimate measure, Greece was unworthy of eurozone membership. That it achieved card-carrying status was down to the sleight-of-hand skills of its Brussels fixers and the acquiescence of central bank bean-counters. Now we know the truth, jet-hosing it with yet more debt makes no sense. Another dose of funny money will delay but not extinguish the need for austerity.

This is why the euro, in its current form, is finished. The game is up for a monetary union that was meant to bolt together work-and-save citizens in northern Europe with the party animals of Club Med. No amount of pit props from Berlin can save the euro Mk I from collapsing under the weight of its structural dysfunctionality. You cannot run indefinitely a single currency with one interest rate for 16 economies, when there are such huge fiscal disparities.

What was once deemed unthinkable is now, I believe, inevitable: withdrawal from the eurozone of one or more of its member countries. At the bottom end, Greece and Portugal are favourites to be forced out through weakness. At the top end, proposals are already being floated in the Frankfurt press for a new “hard currency” zone, led by Germany, Austria and the Benelux countries. Either way, rich and poor are heading in opposite directions.

Ολα εχουν ενα νοημα,οι αιτιασεις της Μερκελ,οι επιπτωσεις που προετοιμαζονται για τις χωρες που δεν πληρουν τα κριτηρια της οικονομικης ενωσης,τελευταιο μετρο η ελεγχομενη χρεωκοπια.
Οπως λεει το αρθρο απο το www.prisonplanet.com,οτι παλαιοτερα δεν μπορουσε κανεις ουτε να το σκεφτει τωρα ειναι αναποφευκτο.
Η εκδιωξη μιας η και περισσοτερων χωρων απο την ευρωπαικη ενωση.
Στο στοχο ειναι η Ελλαδα και η Πορτογαλια,και ηδη προτασεις υπαρχουν στον καθημερινο τυπο στην Φρανκφουρτη.
Οι φτωχοι και οι πλουσιοι πανε σε αντιθετες κατευθυνσεις.

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