Παρασκευή, Μαρτίου 18, 2011

UN votes to lift no-fly zone on Libya, paving way for air strikes against Colonel Gaddafi's forces

THE UN Security Council has voted Thursday to allow air strikes to halt Muammer Gaddafi's offensive against embattled rebel forces in Libya, with the first bombing raids expected shortly.
The resolution permits ``all necessary measures'' to protect civilian areas and impose a ceasefire on Gaddafi's military.
The vote passed 10-0 with five abstentions in the 15 member council. Permanent members China and Russia were among those abstaining, but did not use their veto power.
Diplomats have indicated that air strikes from a coalition led by Britain, France and the United States could be imminent as Gaddafi's troops close in on the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.
However, the resolution rules out sending foreign ground troops.
The Libyan leader said just before the UN that he would take the town and ``chase the traitors.''
Addressing the Security Council, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said the world had to act to support Libya, following peaceful revolts against authoritarian leaders across the Arab world.
"The world is living one of its great revolutions that changes the course of history,'' he said.
"In North Africa, the Persian Gulf, the Arab people are calling to breathe democracy.
"In Libya, alas, for a number of weeks the people's will has been shot down to its feet by Colonel Gaddafi.
"We are ready and willing to act together, including with Arab members.
"We have very little time left. It is a matter of days. Perhaps it is a matter of hours.
"We should not arrive too late,'' Juppe said.
US Congress officials said Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates were among possible participants, in a showing designed to demonstrate that the effort to aid anti-Gaddafi rebels had support from other countries in the region.
These officials spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorised to speak publicly on the issue, after briefing US Senators on the issue.
A UN diplomat, who asked not to be identified, said just ahead of today's UN Security Council's vote on authorising force, "there will be participation by Qatar and the United Arab Emirates".
The UN Security Council appeared set to authorise aerial bombardments of Gaddafi's forces to stop their push on embattled rebel units.
The resolution, drawn up by Britain, France and Lebanon and strong US input, specifically excludes "an occupation force" in Libya.
And it calls on Arab nations to "cooperate" in the action.

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