Σάββατο, Απριλίου 23, 2011

Lukashenko: Globalists Are Preparing To Strangle Belarus

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko warned today that the globalists were preparing to strangle his country because of its refusal to join the new world order, with Belarus set to become the latest target of the contrived “Arab Spring” riots as the NATO powers further encircle Russia and China.
“Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said on Thursday Western countries are preparing direct interference in his country’s affairs and are trying “to strangle the country with a slipknot,”reports RIA Novosti.
“First there were political threats, disavowal of [presidential] elections, [European] entry bans and economic sanctions. Then there was an instigation of turmoil on our foreign currency market and dances on the bones after the blast at the Oktyabrskaya metro station,” Lukashenko said addressing the parliament and his people.”
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