Κυριακή, Μαΐου 29, 2011

The Greek Bankruptcy: One Year Later -Διαβαστε την μικρη μεταφραση στο τελος.

What a difference a year makes. It was just over a year ago that Greece received its first (and certainly not last) $1 trillion + bailout package from the EU, the ECB and the IMF. Just over 12 months later, all those who peddled Greek bonds to the rest of the world (ahem Germany) are now furiously backtracking, having finally realized what we, and everyone else with half a brain said from the beginning: it's over for Greece, for the eurozone in its current configuration, and for the single currency. But fine, let's kick the can down the road for a few more months, which will allow banks, with access to interest-free central bank capital, to literally steal Greece's soon to be privatized assets for pennies on the dollar, and then send the carcass, now picked dry, to the international bankruptcy court. In the meantime, we would like expose all the idiots, who like various anchors on Comcast's bubblevision channel, pitched Greek paper to hapless investors, only to see losses (this is not some speculative asset - this is fixed income) of over 40% in one year, and for some reason continue to have a podium from which to spread their lunacy, greed and outright stupidity.
From "We are buying Greek Governmen Bonds!", published in Handelsblatt May 3, 2010On this day, the German financial newspaper “Handelsblatt” launches a multi-page call to lure unsuspecting citizens into buying Greek government bonds. Gabor Steingart, editor-in-chief, opens the indecent proposal with the following words (loose translation):
“As the largest financial newspaper in the Euro region, Handelsblatt wants to be a voice of reason during these turbulent times. (…) The Greeks are sinners, but they are repentant sinners. The rescue package agreed on by the international community this weekend takes this into account. However, governments alone cannot save Greece. A stabilization can only be achieved if Greece can access capital markets. What is needed is a contribution of major banks. What is also needed is a sign of trust by the citizens of Europe. This is the purpose of our action call “I am buying Greek government bonds”. Last Friday, as a sign of responsibility, I have ordered EUR 5,000 Greek government bonds.”
What follows is a parade of German dignities.
First to praise the virtues of Greek government bonds is Hans Eichel, former German Finance Minister:
Ειναι πολυ σημαντικο και τραγικο μαζι αυτο που γραφει στην αρχη του αυτο το αρθρο....μια πολυ προχειρη μεταφραση:

Τι διαφορά κανει ενας χρονος....Εναν χρονο πριν η Ελλαδα ελαβε το πρωτο και οχι το τελευταιο της πακετο διασωσης απο την ΕΚΤ την Ε.Ε. και το Δντ.
Δωδεκα μηνες αργοτερα osoi διακινησαν Ελληνικα ομολογα ανα τον κοσμο κανουν πισω καταλαβαινοντας οσα εμεις και αλλοι με μισο εγκεφαλο ειχαμε πει απο την αρχη.Τελος για την Ελλαδα, την ευρωζωνη στην τωρινη της μορφη και για το κοινο νομισμα.

Τελεια,ας κλωτσησουμε το κουτακι λιγο ακομη στον δρομο για μερικους μηνες ακομη,να δωσουμε τον χρονο στις τραπεζες μιας και η Ελλαδα ιδιωτικοποιειται να κλεψουν για δεκαρες την περιουσια της.

Μετα θα πεταξουμε το ξερο κουφαρι στο διεθνες δικαστηριο πτωχευσεων.


Αυτος ειναι ο ρολος του Παπανδρεου,δινει τον χρονο ωστε να ξεφορτωθουν οι ξενες τραπεζες τα ελληνικα ομολογα,πουλαει για δεκαρες τον ελληνικο πλουτο και μετα θα μας παει στην πτωχευση.

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