Παρασκευή, Ιουνίου 17, 2011

Globalists Call For ‘Big War’

James P. Tucker Jr
American Free Press
Friday, June 17, 2011
ST. MORITZ, Switzerland—The secret globalist group “Bilderberg” called for a big war by expanding the turmoil in Libya into a full-scale conflict involving the entire Middle East except for Israel. This is a grim and bloody outlook, because, historically, every time Bilderberg orders war, the guns begin to shoot. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush followed orders and attacked Iraq in Persian Gulf War I. He lost to peace candidate Bill Clinton, who followed orders and invaded Yugoslavia.
The list is endless: Every war dating back to and including World War II has been ordered by Bilderberg. Although they did not start calling themselves Bilderberg until 1954, Rockefeller and Rothschild cronies had the ear of President Franklin Roosevelt when the White House baited the Japanese into conducting a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941.
Similarly, President Harry Truman was pressured into going to war in Korea, and then Lyndon Johnson involved the U.S. in Vietnam.
Johnson seemed to enjoy cruelty. The same draft law used in World War II had been revived in 1946, making all able-bodied men aged 18-38 eligible for combat. A college student could finish his degree but must then report for duty. As a matter of policy, LBJ said students could finish their entire education, including postgraduate work, before reporting. And no one older than 27 would be drafted. The result: Dick Cheney and others avoided service by remaining in college until the age of 27. So the body bags were mostly filled by young boys with no more than a high school education.
“It will have to be a big war involving several countries to advance our goals of a global economy,” said Keith Alexander, director of the U.S. National Security Agency. “But the pressure to end the war in Libya is non-stop, mostly because of that damn Kucinich.” He was referring to Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), whose bill to end the invasion of Libya was defeated just before Congress adjourned for a week on June 3.
“But look at all the votes [148] he got,” Alexander said. “This is dangerous. Congress may cut or even eliminate war funding, and our soldiers are not even fighting.”
Bilderberg’s goal of expanding the turmoil surrounding the invasion of Libya into a huge bloodletting in the Mideast will be helped, they say, by their plan to maintain the global recession through 2012.
“The recession may keep coverage [of Bilderberg] down,” said John Kerr, a member of the British House of Lords and deputy chairman of Royal Dutch Shell. “Europe has many independent papers, but they go low-budget. We have made calls to Rupert Murdoch, still our good friend,” he said of the world’s largest owner of newspapers.
Kerr and the others were to be bitterly disappointed when confronted by angry crowds as their helicopters landed at the resort on Thursday, June 9. Most had planned to arrive Wednesday afternoon, after leaving their “cover meeting” of NATO countries in Brussels, Belgium. But frequent, heavy rains kept the copters grounded. Bilderberg traditionally has a “cover meeting” so, for example, outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates can attend a NATO session and slip, unnoticed, into the Bilderberg meeting. Gates addressed Bilderberg on Friday, June 10.

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