Τετάρτη, Ιουνίου 08, 2011

Top Bilderberger: Eurozone Collapse Threatens Global Currency Agenda

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
A top Bilderberg member has revealed that globalists are panic-stricken about a potential eurozone crisis caused by a Greek debt default that could precipitate the collapse of the Euro and also derail the wider agenda for multi-regional currency unions and eventually a global currency system.
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker said that the Euro will again be the subject of crisis talks at this years globalist confab in San Moritz, Switzerland, with power brokers desperate to rescue the single currency from a collapse that numerous financial analysts see on the horizon.
“They’re afraid of the Euro going down and afraid the Euro will simply disappear,” said Tucker, noting that several European countries’ intention to abandon nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster could cause a crisis for the single currency.
During last year’s Bilderberg conference in Sitges Spain, when the Euro was in free fall following the austerity riots in Greece, globalists were panicked that the single currency could face a total collapse.
Although the Euro has made significant gains against the crumbling US dollar over the past year, many financial analysts are still predicting that the single currency faces a massive crisis that will threaten its very existence. Indeed, just last month representatives of the European Commission held an emergency crisis meeting following reports that Greece was considering exiting the eurozone and creating its own currency.
The European Central Bank’s exposure to struggling European economies could send the ECB into bankruptcy, especially if Greece defaults on its debt which many see as a likely scenario. According to ratings agency Moody’s, “Greece is 50% likely to default on or restructure its debts in the next five years.”
Writing in the Financial Times, which is routinely represented at Bilderberg though refuses to report on the meeting, Bilderberg member and Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff reveals how elitists are deeply concerned that a “eurozone collapse” will derail the wider agenda for multi-regional currencies like the Amero, which would act as a unified currency under the North American Union.
“The euro experiment has also brought us to a crossroads in the whole international monetary system,” writes Rogoff. “Will our grandchildren inherit a world with a huge number of national currencies, or a very small number of multi-country currencies?”

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