Σάββατο, Ιουλίου 23, 2011

Establishment Media Rushed To Blame Madman Attack on Muslims With No Evidence

Zero Hedge
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Comment: Within barely an hour of the attack, the New York Times had blamed “Al-Qaeda” for an attack that turned out to be the work of a lone madman.
Perhaps it is time for the Telegraph to issue a retraction to its kneejerk publication in which it automatically cast blame on Islamists and other “eastern” terrorists-by-default. Because according to just released info, they could not have been more wrong, and it is the reaction to precisely this type of prejudice that will never facilitate bridging frayed relations between disparate cultures. Anyway, so much for prejudiced speculation and/or lies about some Islamist organization taking the blame for the events in Norway today. Here is the truth:” VG has received confirmation from several independent sources that it was Anders Behring Breivik, who was arrested by armed police after the mass killings of Utøya Friday.  VG was also present when the emergency squad took action against the flat 32-year-old susceptible west of Oslo. Several foreign media have also named Breivik as the perpetrator.” More on his motives: “A childhood friend of Breivik says to VG Nett that he should have been right-wing in the late 20′s, and posted a series of controversial opinions on Facebook.” And the kicker, for all the bigots out there: he was an ultra nationalist who hated Islam. Today’s tragic events were merely the outburst of deranged and very much troubled Loughner, McVey-like psychophath. And nothing more.
Οπως εμεις τα ριχνουμε ολα στον Συριζα?
Ετσι και στον υπολοιπο κοσμο,οτι γινεται...το κανει η Αλ Καιντα.

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