Πέμπτη, Σεπτεμβρίου 29, 2011

Rise of the Holy Barroso Empire

Great news from the heart of Euro land. The Euro has been a massive success! As a currency it is stable, strong, and has produced massive economic growth. The inevitable conclusion is that there should be even greater economic as union, with yet greater control in the hands of the Commission. The logic is stark, compelling and unavoidable.
As we all know, it is all rubbish. The Euro zone is in crisis. Greece, which should never been admitted, may or may not default. But if it does not it is because the tax payers of the central and northern European nations (naughty word, that, “nations”) will be asked to stump up billions of their and their children’s income to prop up the system.
Enter the Europhiles and President of the European Commission, one Jose Manuel Barroso. Mr Barroso is from Portugal, one of those countries so renowned for their financial profligacy and mis-management that they have of course become known by the ironic acronym the “PIGS”, suggesting greedy and self interested creatures: that’s Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain to you and me.
I understand that I am a citizen of one of the countries in Europe. Mr Barroso is a politician who holds office in Europe. But I have a problem. I do not remember having voted for Mr Barroso! So I cannot vote him out if I do not like what he does or says. If my taxes pay in part for his salary, how does that work?
This is odd…
Greece is bust in reality, Ireland, one step away, and Portugal and Spain are pretty shaky. Given a good run on the currency they are all turkeys waiting for Christmas in the shed.
So, if I was looking for guidance on how to manage international financial affairs, I maybe wouldn’t start in those places, unless I found a rebellious prophet who had warned about financial Armageddon. I don’t see Mr Barroso as that.
Meanwhile Mr Barroso has been preaching the Euro federalist agenda. The Euro Zone has too many economies with different agendas to sustain one currency. OK, I see that. Therefore, he argues like a zealot, the answer is to place more, or sole, control of economic affairs in one authority. His authority!
Hmm. I grant you, it’s logical. The currency must not fail, therefore control of economic policy must pass to a trans-national, supra Europe authority to stop that happening.
Well, I have a problem with that. You see, as I have mentioned, I have never voted for Mr Barosso. Or indeed anyone else at this mysterious “Commission”. A sinister and self important name.
Indeed, I am not altogether sure who appointed him. I know that his Wikipedia page contains interesting complaints about stays on a Russian billionaire’s yachts and total fuck wittery over the Portuguese deficit, but that is mere allegation and tittle tattle.
Rubbish, of course! Or not
But remain certain that that I have not voted for him, and that as far as I am aware, he has never so much as run a car boot sale at a break even, let alone a profit. I am not aware that he has ever canvassed or considered my views.
This is the heart of the problem with Euro land. It is run by a self serving soi- disant elite, for a self serving soi-disant elite.
It is a nascent tyranny.
It may be that at heart I am a Marxist, in that I recognise that political freedom and control can only be achieved in conjunction with and through economic means, usually by an aspirant middle class, the driver of democracy through modern European and American history. It is that which underpinned the crux of the both the English Civil War and ironically the American Revolution, and it is neatly summed up in the slogan “No Taxation Without Representation!”
The converse is that to take away economic control is to take away political freedom and accountability.
The EU has not had its accounts cleared since Abraham was boy. It is intellectually and in real financial terms corrupt. I would not let it run a toy train set.
The Nazis were the last people who tried to take control in Europe without a vote. Now failures like Barroso want to take it.
I say: No!

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