Τετάρτη, Οκτωβρίου 05, 2011

Forex focus: curtain rises on final act of Greek tragedy

This is despite Germany voting in favour of increasing the size of Europe’s bail-out fund to €440 billion last week. Of course, Greece will stop repaying its debts far sooner if the troika of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Union (EU) and European Central Bank (ECB), who are in Athens at the moment examining Greece's financial position, don’t agree to release the next €8 billion needed to keep the country afloat.
Uncertainty is the order of the day, with European finance ministers meeting in Luxembourg delaying a decision on whether to refill the begging bowl.
William Poole, an FX strategist at FC Exchange, notes: "What is becoming apparent is that European leaders are not only failing to find common ground, but that they are slipping further and further back behind the curve. Yes, the Bundestag vote is a positive, as it essentially apportions greater funding; however the €440bn that has now been earmarked for the European Financial Stability Facility is glaringly short of what is required. The G20 meetings in Washington all but confirmed that greater expansion is required, perhaps to the tune of €2 trillion.
"Investors are clearly frustrated with the lack of commitment, and leading figureheads in Europe currently seem anything but astute. The hot topic for debate is the loss that is due to be taken by holders of Greek debt. With a default now all but inevitable, the 21 per cent haircut being suggested by Athens seems far too low."
Jeremy Cook, the chief economist at World First, also believes that Greece will default – probably before the start of 2012. "While Merkel has dominated the headlines, we have not so much as a squeak from Sarkozy, Berlusconi or the other principal European leaders," he says.

"The markets are crying out for someone to grab this problem by the scruff of the neck and get everyone in line. But, alas, the intransigence of European politicians has been astounding. Confidence will only be restored when tough decisions are made – even if this means the ejection of a member state."
The frustration everyone is feeling with the eurozone leaders is that no one seems to have a plan. All they've done is lurch from one near catastrophe to another, without addressing the underlying problems.
Max Johnson, a broker at Currency Solutions, comments: "Many investors are now becoming increasingly frustrated at the politicians' vague promises. Their confidence will only be restored when they see political action to match the rhetoric.
"A Greek bail-out is now the only realistic option. Until there is a mechanism in place for Greece to leave the eurozone, more money is the only option. In the short term, the Athens government's austerity measures will earn them the bail-out cash they so desperately seek. But they will also sow the seeds of Greece's default, as the cuts will cripple growth and simply prolong the inevitable.”
And the fear is that Greece may just be the start of a domino effect round the weaker European economies.
Chris Towner, the director of HiFX, says: "Helping Greece (and other nations such as Portugal and Italy, perhaps) find their specialisation within Europe while ensuring growth and employment is the real issue and one that will take years to solve. With time a scarcity, some difficult decisions are required.
"There’s no point using delaying tactics, creating debt to pay debt without some more concrete plans. It is only the concrete plans that will have the ability to calm the markets. Everything else is just plastering over the problem, while the market is smart enough to realise it is no solution, however many plasters you put on it."
FxPro's chief economist Simon Smith believes the Greeks will receive their funding this time round in order for Europe to prepare for its inevitable default, and ensure that banks are sufficiently capitalised to deal with it.
Inevitably, the euro is slipping against all major currencies.
"Confidence in the euro is probably slipping in line with the member countries sliding back into recession, which means we are entering an even more dangerous phase for the single currency," says Alistair Cotton, a corporate dealer at Currencies Direct.
"Growth is needed to allow the austerity plans of eurozone countries to succeed without starting the vicious cycle of spending cuts leading to lower tax revenues, leading to further spending cuts and so on. If the eurozone slips back into a major recession, it may mean the size of the problem, namely keeping the euro intact, finally becomes bigger than the ability of European politicians ability to deal with the problem."
As the pound inches towards €1.20, expats receiving their income in sterling will be heaving a sigh of relief. But the broader picture is not as positive, as a strong pound will severely impact our trade with other countries in the eurozone, which amounts to 40 per cent. The UK – like the rest of the world – is pinning its hopes for a recovery on growth which relies in part on increased exports.
Nick Ryder, a global currency analyst for Smart Currency Exchange, says: “A reduction in that growth through a European collapse would see growth in the UK drop even further, and sterling would be capped against the euro at some point.”
But sterling’s strength is not universal – it has plummeted against the US dollar, which is again being seen as a safe haven currency, despite the fact that the States is also suffering in the global slowdown.
In a desperate attempt to keep the dollar competitive, the Senate is debating whether to bring in laws to allow them to add heavy duties on goods imported from countries which have kept their currencies artificially low. There are no prizes for guessing that the politicians are primarily thinking of China.
The trouble is that the Chinese don’t allow the yuan to float freely on the foreign exchange markets, which means it is out of step with most other currencies. Some economists estimate that the yuan is at least 20 per cent lower than it should be and some think it may be 40 per cent lower than it would be in a free market against the dollar.
Naturally, Beijing argues against this and point to the fact that the yuan has risen five per cent against the US dollar in the last 12 months and over eight per cent against the euro. If the yuan is unnaturally low, it keeps their exports competitive and makes everyone else’s goods expensive for the Chinese to buy

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