Πέμπτη, Αυγούστου 08, 2013

54 Year old man unemployed

I am 54 year old,I used to work as a salesman in Attica dep store in Athens,I lost my job,the first year I survived on unemployment benefit,also my mothers small pension helped us to have something to eat,next year the unemployment benefit finished,I got a another year on 200 euros a month benefit also my mother's pension kept helping us both.
Third year no benefit at all,neither any assistance from the goverment,my mother died from Parkinson's disease,poor hospital treatment and lack of everything.
Last two years I live on charity of relatives and friends,I left home,could not pay the taxes and the electricity and water bills,now I am staying with friends helping them with anything they need for exchange in accommodation and food.
There is no assistance to all people in my situation,if you are lucky you survive or else you are sleeping in the streets,Samaras is talking of a success story but the only success story is that he and all of them now in govermrnt created this hell for 30 years and now they want to save us.
Can you ever imagine a killer who wants to save the victim?That's Samaras,Venizelos and the rest of them.
No hope for a job,they reduce slaries by 40% and increase taxes by another 40%,people should react and send them all to court for high treason.
Don't listen to what they say,people are suffering and they getting paid 8000 a month plus extras in order to sell the country to Germans.

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